VOL. 2

It has officially been three weeks since arrival day. This has been the quickest, busiest and most emotional week so far. I started the week off with a mini sabbath on Sunday and enjoyed some time in the sun at Queens Baths.

Week 3 Overview

This weeks theme was Pure Heart Week with Tom & Donna, and I have no words to even describe what this week was like. It was so emotionally exhausting, but I would recommend everyone go through it. I will try to give a quick rundown of what was talked about each day in class. (I 100% recommend reading their book!)

The main goal was to let everything out when you feel & giving it to God because he’ll give us so much more. On Monday, we talked about The Mother Wound… pretty self explanitory. I learned that when you grieve with deep grief, Jesus is always there to comfort you. He is there to give us peace. I learned that the enemy ties lies to our trauma; no matter your age, it will follow you the rest of your life, causing you to build walls around your heart. Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted.

On tuesday, we did The Father Wound.. again, pretty self explanatory. During the lecture Tom talked about how we are created to receive our fathers voice and authority. They have the voice and authority to name their child (speak blessing into them), nurture their children (ephesians 6:4), and to bless their child (kingdom culture). The greatest example of a father is GOD!

On Wednesday they talked about femininity and masculinity. It was probably my favorite day. They seperated the girls and guys to do ministry. I learned that as a woman I carry God’s beauty. Women are to treat people with love, respect & honor; while being honest about the gospel. It was truly an amazing experience, because after the lecture all the girls washed each others feet. We prayed for each other, while giving God all our hurt we have received from other people throughout our lives.

Thursday was our last day of pure heart week, where we learned about the freedom that comes from forgiveness. They went over how trust is earned and forgiveness is given/sets your heart free. The bitterness we hold in our hearts towards other people does not sit dormant, it’ll only grow. We went over in depth of how God sets us free.

Throughout the week we have training mornings as well, before class, to get us ready for outreach. On monday nights we have ministry night and on thursday nights we have community gatherings. On fridays we have bible class, where we get the chance to dive deeper into God’s word.

Preparing for outreach

This week was also the first small group time with the girls on my outreach team. We also had a team bonding time at the pool during team time. Friday thru saturday we had our first prayer burn; where for 24 hours we are praying over the nations we are going to. My prayer set, for my nation, was 5-6am saturday morning, but I also attended a few other sets to pray over other nations.

The Weekend

This past weekend was super exciting and fun! My outreach team and some friends went on a couple adventures around Big Island, along with a couple movie nights. We rented another pick-up this weekend to go to a waterfall and the beach.

On saturday we went to a waterfall near the Wailuku River. There we had to hike to the top of the falls where we went swimming in natural, fresh water pools and then jumped off the top of waterfall on the way out. Driving back we stopped to take sunset pics and ate some pizza and taco bell. :)

On Sunday, we went to Hapuna Beach. It was so beautiful, and felt so nice to finally go to a sandy beach with waves, instead of a rocky beach. We did some body surfing, boogie boarding, and found a cave to swim into, where we climbed up and out to jump back into the water.

It was the perfect way to end an emotionally intense week, just having fun with some friends before this next week starts; which will be just as busy, if not even busier. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. You can subscribe and/or donate to my outreach down below. :)


Thank you for all the prayers and support!


YWAM Vol. #1